MARC Midwest general body conducted on March 1st 2020
President Renchi Varughese presided the meeting.
The general body evaluated the February 1st 2020 family night. General body overwhelmingly recognized the work done by the family night general convener Samay George, Jaymon Skaria and Vijay Vincent for organizing the program 'Honoring Respiratory Families'. Members also extended their appreciation to the last administration for successfully leading this organization for the last four years. Members recommended that all the future MARC programs must start on time and must limit the time for each speaker.
General body recommended to conduct the 20th year celebration in October 2021
Picnic 2020
General Body decided to organize our annual picnic on June 6th 2020. Members suggested that each hospitals or group of hospitals will lead the picnic program and Amita Holy Family will take the lead on this year's picnic. Joby Chacko will be the coordinator for our picnic. Sports coordinators are Samaya, Bency Benedict and George Plamoottil. Members decided to charge $50 for family and $30 for single for picnic.
Membership Drive
President Renchi Varughese insisted on the importance widening our membership base and ask all the members to take the responsibility of bringing new members to our organization.
Health Care Fair
Samaya George presented the initial idea of organizing a health care fair for the respiratory care week in October 2020.
At the fair we will be offering various activities in association with Doctors, Nurses, Physical therapy, social work etc.
Philip Joseph will be the main co Ordinator for this event, Vijay Vincnet, Scariakutty Thomas and Thomas Poothakari will be the other coordinators for this event.
This committee in association with the executive committee will decide the location date and all the logistics.
MARC Charity initiative
Secretary Zacharia Abraham introduced the idea of having a charity initiative by MARC for the 20th year celebration. Members supported the idea of helping our struggling people back in Kerala. General Body appointed Zacharia Abraham, Scariakutty Thomas and Vijay Vincent to lead this initiative.
Secretary Zacharia Abraham, thanked all the members for attending the General body.
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