Dear members,
As per the decision of the general body meeting held on October 26, 2019, a general body meeting of MARC Midwest FNP, will be held on Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 10 AM.
Location: 830 East Rand Road, Unit# 9, Mount Prospect. (This place is near to Bristol Court Banquet hall. Please use Bristol court address for GPS)
1. New administration taking charge for the term 2020-2021
2. Constitution Amendments:
Please see the attached by-laws of the association. The items marked in red are the new proposals. Each of these proposals need to be discussed and decided in the meeting.
A 2/3 majority of the members present in the General Body meeting is needed to pass any constitution amendments.
Please go through these proposals and bring your opinions in the meeting.
3. Any other items approved by the Chair
It is a rare opportunity to decide on the constitution and the current and newly elected executive committee request all of our members participation in this important general body meeting.
Thanking You
For MARC executive Board
Joseph Roy,
Secretary, MARC
Attachmnet: Current Constitution with ammendment proposals.
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