Seminar check in starts at 7:30 AM tomorrow (August 17, 2019)

Dear Seminar Registrants,
The educational seminar will be held tomorrow (August 17, 2019) at AMITA Health Holy Family Medical Center, Des Plaines formerly Presence Holy Family Medical Center, 100 N River Road, Des Plains, IL- 60016
Seminar Time: 8 AM to 2:30 PM.
Every one attending the seminar needs to be registered for the event.
Registration fees: MARC members: $10 and non-members $35. 
When you check in please do spell check for your name and email address and AARC number.
Students with valid school ID will get free admission.
MARC members please bring your member ID.
AARC members should provide your AARC number during check-ins.
Please pay at the time of Check-ins.
Check-ins starts at 7: 30 AM.
Only cash or checks accepted. No credit cards please.
If you are paying by check, please make check payable to MARC MIDWEST INC.
Parking is available in the employee parking lot behind the hospital.
Employee parking is accessed through Nazrathway from N Desplains River Road or it can be accessed from Golf Road . When you park, please park in the spaces marked with blue lines.
Signs will be posted to direct you to the seminar hall.
Proportional CEUs will be deducted for late comers.
If you leave early also, proprtional CEUs will be deducted.
Light breakfast and lunch will be provided. 
A link to the location is given below
Hope to see you all at this great educational opportunity.
Thanking you
Joseph Roy
Secretary, MARC

MARC - Illinois

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