Terry and I are thrilled to let you know that SB 973, the RCP sunset bill, passed the Senate unanimously today (yes, we had session all weekend). The Senate has 30 days to transmit the bill to the Governor and the Governor has 60 days from the date he receives it to take his action. The General Assembly usually takes nearly all of the 30 days they're allowed so the Governor is likely not to receive the bill until about June 29. The Governor usually tries to take action on all of the bills before the State Fair so his action should occur by mid-August.
Thank you to everyone who contacted your legislators and kept your colleagues informed. The sunset work group of the L&L committee deserves a special thanks for the meetings and conference calls in which they participated, as well as language that they wrote, discussed, and rewrote. The thoughtfulness and collaboration with which they worked was fantastic. And, as opposed to negotiations 10 years ago, the Illinois Hospital Association and the Health Care Council of Illinois worked with us to improve the original language we introduced.
We'll let you know once the bill is sent to the Governor so that we can generate letters to him asking for him to sign the bill.
Kudos to the people who worked hard to get the job done. Thanks
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