Pravin memorial fundraising and picnic 2014

Hello everyone,
                      the fundraising dinner for Pravin will be on Friday 16th, 6pm to 9:30pm, MARC's executive encourage every member to participate in the event. Yesterday's teleconference MARC members decided to go together for the fundraiser at 7:30 pm, please find some time and participate. Admission is $10 and which includes food and entertainment, Tee shirts will be available to purchase.

New this year, in memory of Pravin, this year's picnic we added soft ball game with Pravin memorial Ever Rolling Trophy. Team selection is already underway. MARC members and family can make up the teams with hospital base. For more details please contact, the picnic sports coordinators; Bency Benedict 847-401-5581 or George Plamoottil 847-651-5204. Picnic will be on August 23rd at Laramie park in Skokie. Thanks

Sincerely Vijay (marc secretary) 
