Opportunity to get $ 100 discount for Kettering CRT/ RRT review seminar at Chicago

Dear all,

Attached is the information about the planned 3 day CRT/RRT Kettering review seminar to held at St. Augustine College, Chicago on  April 3, 4 and 5, 2018. If you or any other therapists you know are interested to take the 3 day CRT/ RRT Kettering review seminars, here is an opportunity to get 100 dollar discount for registration.

If they register by February 11, 2018 , by paying $85 using college's  registration code, total cost of the seminar will be $325 or less depending on the total number of participants who register by that date. Original cost of the seminar is $425.

For registration instructions and code, please read the attached pdf document.

How to register:

1.            Open the pdf attachment with this e-mail.

2.            Click the link  in the sentence "Simply click here and we'll enter the code for you" in the pdf attachment.

3.            Pay $85  with Credit Card or send check. (Remaining fees paid later).


Any questions, please email me.



Joseph Roy, MHA, RRT-NPS, ACCS

Program Director

Respiratory Therapy Program

St. Augustine College,

1345 West Argyle Street,

Chicago, IL-60640

Phone: 773 878 7182 (office)

Fax: 773 878 0937

E-mail: jroy@staugustine.edu


From: seminarAdmin@ketteringseminars.com [mailto:seminarAdmin@ketteringseminars.com]
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 8:57 AM
To: Joseph Roy jroy@staugustine.eduu
Subject: Kettering 3-Day CRT/RRT Review Seminar in Chicago, Illinois on April 3,4,5, 2018



Thank you for scheduling a seminar with our Executive Director, Tom Hill. Now that the dates are established, the seminar administrative staff will be handling the process from this point.

The 3-Day CRT/RRT Review seminar at St. Augustine College in Chicago, Illinois is tentatively scheduled for April 3,4,5, 2018. We are very pleased to have you as the sponsor for this review seminar and are looking forward to working together.

To confirm the seminar, we must receive a minimum of 12 registration deposits ($85 each) by 2/12/2018. Once the seminar is confirmed, the deposits will become non-refundable and guarantee that the seminar will take place as planned. After the seminar is confirmed, we will begin accepting public registrations on our web site.

The normal seminar fee is $425/person. However, by sponsoring the seminar, your group will receive the following discount rates:

Group Size

Discount Rate


12 to 24



25 or more



Attached is a pdf file containing registration instructions. Please forward the file to those who wish to attend. Attendees will register for the seminar using the special website link and code provided on the form.

The seminar fee will be based on the number of registrations that we receive by the February 12, 2018 deadline. Any remaining balance due must be paid at least 7 days prior to the seminar. Additional registrations may be submitted after the February 12, 2018 deadline at the established group rate.

As the seminar sponsor, you agree to provide the meeting room for each day. The room should be classroom-style with tables and chairs or desks. We will need a screen and projector for the PowerPoint slide presentation and a head table/chair and lectern for the instructor.

Our records currently indicate that the seminar will be held at 1345 West Argyle Street in Main Building Charlie Chaplin Auditorium , which has a maximum seating capacity of 25. Is this correct?

We greatly appreciate the opportunity to bring this important review seminar to your location and want to thank you for your assistance. Please feel free to email us if you have any questions.

Kettering Seminars Admin Staff

MARC - Illinois

visit : www.marcillinois.org
