Wake and Funeral details of Mr. Lukose Korah Kallidanthiyil

Dear members,

Following is the wake and funeral details of  Mr. Lukose Korah Kallidanthiyil (68). He is the father of our member Ashly Lukose (PRMC).

Wake and Funeral service will be held at St. Mary's Knanaya Catholic Church, 7800 Lyons St, Morton Grove, IL 60053

Wake service: 

Wednesday ( 1/17/18)  6pm to 9pm 

Funeral Service:

Thursday, (01/18/2018) Holy Mass at 9.30 am followed by Interment at Mary Hills Cemetery, 8600 N Milwaukee Ave, Niles, IL 60714

On behalf of  MARC, we express our heartfelt condolences to Ashly and family.

For MARC executive,

Joseph Roy,

Secretary, MARC

MARC - Illinois

visit : www.marcillinois.org
